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Changes to 01. V-Hive Enclosure Base Model Introduction

Edit by Miguel Cruz

Edit approved by Miguel Cruz

V-Hive base modelBase Model
To start the build, make sure you have a ***clean and empty working area*** dedicated to this assembly, that way, in case you need to take a break you don’t need to move everything mid-built, decreasing the risks of losing or mismatching other components from outside the kit. Always ***have your tools close*** and organized in order to optimize your workflow. The steps in the Build Guide indicate what components are required and how many to use. In the step title there is a number, for example, (x2) means you have to repeat the step 2 times.
It is ***strongly recommended*** to assemble the frame on a known flat surface (such as a solid table, work surface or similar). Assembling the frame on a carpeted floor, or other non-flat surface, can cause the finished frame to not be square.