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Changes to Step #11

Edit by Simon Davie

Edit approved by Simon Davie


Step Lines

+[title] Inspect & test the HG25 linear rails
+[* 2] With the rail still on the absorbent paper towels, carefully and slowly move the carriage from one end of the rail to the other
+ [* 10] Both carriages should move smoothly over the entire length of the rail
+ [* 9] Small changes in resistance are normal, but the carriage becoming very hard to push, or binding completely are not
+[* 3] Repeat the previous test whilst applying a small amount of force downwards on the carriage
+ [* 10] The carriage will likely travel more smoothly when applying a downwards force, this is normal
+[* 4] Repeat the process to check the second carriage on the rail
+[* 9] If the carriage does not move smoothly, or binds completely, refer to the [guide|15|Linear Rail Troubleshooting Guide]

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