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Drag to rearrange

X-Axis Gantry Assembly

Rat Rig StrongHold PRO CNC - XZ Joiner Plate

Position the HG25 linear rail blocks so that the holes align with those on the XZ joiner plate

M6x12 Cap Head Screw

Install an M6x12 screw through each hole in the plate, and in to the HG25 linear rail carriage below

Before fully tightening the M6x12 screws, check that the X-axis moves over its entire length without binding

Tighten each screw slightly and then re-test the smoothness of the X-axis. Repeat this until all sixteen screws are fully tightened, securing the plate

If the X-axis binds or becomes tight, check that the lower rail is aligned correctly. Loosening the screws securing the lower rail to the 4080 extrusion and using the X-axis to align the lower rail can help.

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