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  1. Grab your main rail. Locate the center hole. This will be the underside of your slider.
    • Grab your main rail. Locate the center hole. This will be the underside of your slider.

  2. Insert 4x t-nuts as shown.
    • Insert 4x t-nuts as shown.

    • Make sure they are facing up (the lip will be facing down).

  3. Grab 4x countersink screws and 1x tripod plate. The t-nuts are already in the rail.
    • Grab 4x countersink screws and 1x tripod plate. The t-nuts are already in the rail.

  4. These will be assembled as shown.
    • These will be assembled as shown.

  5. Fasten the screws into the t-nuts.
    • Fasten the screws into the t-nuts.

    • Don't tighten these much, to avoid warping of the rail.

  6. The underside of the rail is ready. The slider now has standard 3/8" and 1/4" connections.
    • The underside of the rail is ready. The slider now has standard 3/8" and 1/4" connections.

  7. Grab your main slider carriage plate, and the 1/4" camera screw.
    • Grab your main slider carriage plate, and the 1/4" camera screw.

    • Turn the plate over as shown. The screw will fit the center hole.

  8. Tighten this screw very well.
    • Tighten this screw very well.

  9. Grab the 4x wheel kits.
    • Grab the 4x wheel kits.

    • You'll notice there are two types. 2x eccentric wheel kits (left picture), and 2x normal wheel kits (right picture).

  10. They are assembled the same way.
    • They are assembled the same way.

    • Don't assemble yet.

  11. Mount these as shown.
    • Mount these as shown.

    • Make sure the eccentric wheels go on the side of the plate with the big holes (left). The normals wheels will go on the side with the small holes (right).

  12. Tighten well.
    • Tighten well.

    • Repeat for the other 2 wheels.

  13. Grab the brake plate, 2x M4*8mm cap head screws, and the big brake screw.
    • Grab the brake plate, 2x M4*8mm cap head screws, and the big brake screw.

  14. Mount the brake plate as shown.
    • Mount the brake plate as shown.

    • Tighten well.

  15. Insert the brake screw.
    • Insert the brake screw.

    • At this point your carriage should be ready and look like the image.

  16. Before inserting your carriage on the main rail, use the 10mm wrench to turn each eccentric spacer to face outwards as shown. This means the stripe in facing away from the rail.
    • Before inserting your carriage on the main rail, use the 10mm wrench to turn each eccentric spacer to face outwards as shown. This means the stripe in facing away from the rail.

  17. Carefully insert your carriage on the rail.
    • Carefully insert your carriage on the rail.

    • You can now tune the movement by turning the eccentric spacers.

    • Turn them with very small movements until perfect.

  18. The idea is to get a nice easy movement, but with no looseness of the carriage.
    • The idea is to get a nice easy movement, but with no looseness of the carriage.

    • Carriage should not twist when you grab it with you hand.

    • You should be able to turn the wheels with your finger without the carriage moving.

    • If you tilt the slider, the carriage should slide down the rail nicely just relying on gravity.

  19. If you're building without slider legs, grab 4x button head screws, and 4x green endcaps. Assemble these on the rail ends.
    • If you're building without slider legs, grab 4x button head screws, and 4x green endcaps. Assemble these on the rail ends.

  20. If you're building with slider legs, mount them using the 12mm cap head screws (supplied with the leg kit).
    • If you're building with slider legs, mount them using the 12mm cap head screws (supplied with the leg kit).

  21. All done! Congratulations on your build!
    • All done! Congratulations on your build!

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Rat Rig

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