Phaetus Rapido V2 UHF Hotend
Cut the wires with 150mm and strip 5-10mm of the end, to expose the inside conductor.
Cut the thermistor wires with 160mm and crimp a JST 2 connector
The thermistor is a resistor that strongly varies with temperature. When crimping a resistor you don't have to worry about wire order as resistors don't have polarity.
Hot End Heater 24V
Insert the cable ends on the designated slots and tighten the screws.
After tightening the screws, pull the cable to make sure it's firmly connected. If the cable releases/moves when pulling, reinsert it and tighten the screw.
Hot End Thermistor
Plug the connector into the designated connector.
The thermistor wires are very fragile, bending them past its threshold can damage the conductors within, leading to wire failure.
Insert the highlighted jumper to achieve more accurate temperature readings
Route the wires accordingly.
Connect the orbiter extruder cable to the designated slot on the toolboard
Route the wires accordingly.
Hot End 4010 fan - 24V
Connect the positive and negative wires to the referred slot.
Route the cable accordingly.
Use a zip tie to ensure the cable is secure to the toolhead body.
Cable 120mm - 3 Conductor 24AWG - JST XH2.54 male to Bare wire
Micro JST 5pins provided with the EBB42 Toolboard package
Crimp the connector on the 3 wires as shown.
Refer to this picture to clearly show where the wires go
Warning: Check your cables. Incorrect endstop wiring can damage your board.
Rat Rig Omron X endstop
Endstop 3 wire cable - Prepared previously.
Connect the JST3 connector to the shown slot on the toolboard.
Route the cable accordingly.
4x Crimp - Molex Micro-Fit (43025 compatible)
Connector - Molex Micro-Fit - 4 Pin - Male (43025-0400)
3x Crimp - Molex Micro-Fit (43020 compatible)
Connector - Molex Micro-Fit - 4 Pin - Female (43020-0400)
2x Connector - 2 Pin - JST XHP-2 - 2.54 Male
4x Crimp - JST XH 2.54
Cable 1500mm - 3 Conductor 24AWG - JST XH2.54 to JST XH2.54
Crimp the Connector - Molex Micro-Fit (43025 compatible) to all the 4028 wires
The small tab must be facing upwards.
Insert the crimps inside the Connector - Molex Micro-Fit - 4 Pin - Male (43025-0400) as shown
1 - 12V Red - NIDEC fan
2- GND Black - NIDEC fan
3- PWM Blue - NIDEC fan
4- Tac White -NIDEC fan (not used with the Octopus board(
Insert the crimp on the connector until you hear a "Click"
Cut the JST3 connectors on the Endstop cable and crimp the Molex Micro-Fit (43020 compatible)
Insert them into the Connector - Molex Micro-Fit - 4 Pin - Female (43020-0400) as shown on the images
The small lock piece on the connector must be facing upwards.
Use the full length of the RED and Black wires
2 Pin - JST XHP-2 - 2.54 Male
Crimp the GND (Black) wire to the left slot on the housing
Crimp the +12V (RED) wire to the left slot on the housing
Cut the white wire with 70mm, measuring from the Molex connector
2 Pin - JST XHP-2 - 2.54 Male
Crimp the PWM (White) wire to the left slot on the housing
Triple check all connections and crimps
Cooling 4028 fan - 12 V
Connect the PWM wire to the negative pin (the one closest to the middle of the toolboard) of the shown connector.
Connect the positive and negative wire to the referred slot where the 12V jumper was placed.
Route the power cable back to the electronics enclosure and follow the piano wire previously installed.
Use some zip ties to clean the excess cable inside the electronics enclosure.
Route the PWM wire as shown.
IDEX ONLY Connect the 4028 cooling fan from T1 on the slot below. Ensure the jumper is set to 12V.
The power connector provided in the EBB42 toolboard box
Carefully check the wire order, if the polarity is swapped, you will destroy your electronics!
Crimp the red and black wires on the connector as shown
Wire - DC Power - 18AWG RED - 1000mm
Wire - DC Power - 18AWG BLACK - 1000mm
2x Fork Terminal - 3.7mm Insulated
Crimp the fork connectors as shown
Cable - USB-A to USB-C Cable 1500mm
Connect the USB C port on the toolboard
Connect the USB A Port on the Raspberry Pi
Red and Black Power wires
Red Wire- Power Input +24V on the Toolboard and [+V] on the Power Supply
Black Wire- Power Input GND on the Toolboard and [-V] on the Power Supply
Route the cables back to the electronics enclosure and follow the piano wire previously installed - Use some zip ties to clean the excess cable inside the electronics enclosure.
It is imperative to make sure that the USB-C connector cannot move! Tie it down to the printed part using some zip ties.
Ignore this Step if you are wiring the IDEX T1 toolhead
Beacon Z probe
USB Beacon cable
Connect the cable to the beacon and the Raspberry Pi
Use two zip ties to ensure the cable is secure to the toolhead body.
Route the cables back to the electronics enclosure and follow the piano wire previously installed.
Use some zip ties to clean the excess cable inside the electronics enclosure.
Have we mentioned how good the Beacon probe is? Just wait until you fire it up, you can find more info here.
Repeat Steps 1 to 13 to complete the wiring of the second toolhead.
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