2x vc4_xy_joiner_upper plate
2x vc4_x_endstop printed part
2x vc4_xy_joiner_middle plate
8x M5x60 Countersink Screw
2x Low Profile Screw 30mm
14x Aluminium Spacer 5x8x14mm
vc4_xy_joiner_upper plate
M5x60 Countersink Screw
M5x30 Low Profile Screw
Insert the screws on the plate and flip the assembly upside down as shown.
Aluminium Spacer 5x8x14mm
Insert one Aluminium spacer on each screw
vc4_x_endstop printed part
Align the printed part and insert it through the aluminium spacers.
vc4_xy_joiner_middle plate
Align the plate and insert it through the screws.
2x vc4_xy_spacer
4x Ball Bearing 695ZZ
8x Ball Bearing F695ZZ
4x Mini Precision Shim 8x5x1mm
4x Aluminium Spacer 5x8x27mm
Install the following components in the order shown in the image:
Mini Precision Shim
F695ZZ Ball Bearing (Flange at the bottom)
695ZZ Ball Bearing
F695ZZ Ball Bearing (Flange at the top)
Aluminium Spacer 5x8x27mm
Aluminium Spacer 5x8x14mm
Insert the aluminium spacers on the designated screws.
4x M5x8 Cap Head Screw
6x T-Nut M5 Square type for 2020
V-Slot 2020 - 525mm
Insert two T-Nut Square type for 2020 on the top slot.
Insert one T-Nut Square type for 2020 on the lower slot.
Gently insert the V-Slot 2020 extrusion inside the vc4_xy_spacer. The two square T-nuts must be facing the opening on the printed part, as shown.
Ensure the extrusion and the printed part are flush.
Push the two T-Nut Square type to the end of the assembly
Flip the gantry upside down and push the single T-Nut Square type underneath the printed part, ensuring it is aligned with the hole on the printed part.
Repeat Steps 7 and 8 and prepare the other end of the assembly.
Take the assembly from the previous Step and insert the printed part holes in the aluminium spaces of the left joiner from Step 5
Install the following components in the order shown in the image:
F695ZZ Ball Bearing (Flange at the bottom)
695ZZ Ball Bearing
F695ZZ Ball Bearing (Flange at the top)
Mini Precision Shim
2x vc4_xy_joiner_lower plate
vc4_xy_trim_left printed part
vc4_xy_trim_right printed part
8x M5 Hex Locking nut
8x M3x8 Cap Head Screw
vc4_xy_joiner_lower plate
2x M5x8 Cap Head Screw
Insert the screws through the plate, and tighten them to the t-nuts on the 2020 extrusion.
M5 Hex Locking nut
Thread a M5 hex locking nut in each screw
Tighten the screws in each of M5 hex locking nuts were inserted
Do not overtighten the screws as too much force can cause the gantry to bind when installed on the V-Core 4.
vc4_xy_trim_left printed part
4x M3x8 Cap Head Screw
Insert the screws through the printed part and tighten them to the plate
Tighten the marked screw to better secure the gantry to the joiner.
This is how the left joiner should look like, carefully inspect your assembly before proceeding.
vc4_xy_joiner_upper plate
M5x60 Countersink Screw
M5x30 Low Profile Screw
Insert the screws on the plate and flip the assembly upside down as shown.
Aluminium Spacer 5x8x14mm
Insert one Aluminium spacer on each screw
vc4_x_endstop printed part
Align the printed part and insert it though the aluminium spacers.
vc4_xy_joiner_middle plate
Align the plate and insert it though the screws.
Install the following components in the order shown in the image:
Mini Precision Shim
F695ZZ Ball Bearing (Flange at the bottom)
695ZZ Ball Bearing
F695ZZ Ball Bearing (Flange at the top)
Aluminium Spacer 5x8x27mm
Aluminium Spacer 5x8x14mm
Insert the aluminium spacers on the designated screws.
Take the assembly from Step 16 and insert the printed part holes in the aluminium spaces of the right joiner from the previous Step.
Install the following components in the order shown in the image:
F695ZZ Ball Bearing (Flange at the bottom)
695ZZ Ball Bearing
F695ZZ Ball Bearing (Flange at the top)
Mini Precision Shim
vc4_xy_joiner_lower plate
2x M5x8 Cap Head Screw
Insert the screws through the plate, and tighten them to the t-nuts on the 2020 extrusion.
M5 Hex Locking nut
Thread a M5 hex locking nut in each screw
Tighten the screws in each of M5 hex locking nuts were inserted
Do not overtighten the screws as too much force can cause the gantry to bind when installed on the V-Core 4.
vc4_xy_trim_left printed part
4x M3x8 Cap Head Screw
Insert the screws through the printed part and tighten them to the plate
Tighten the marked screw to better secure the gantry to the joiner.
Set the assembly aside, it will be used further in the Guide
475mm MGN12C Linear Rail & MGN12C carriage holder
10x 2020 Drop-in T-Nut - M3
10x M3x8 Cap Head Screw
V-Core 4 400 - 12 Screws + T-nuts
V-Core 4 500 - 14 Screws + T-nuts
8x M3x8 Cap Head Screw with blue thread lock
The plastic bag has a BT label
8x M3 Washer
ONLY remove the second carriage if you are not assembling the IDEX variant.
Keeping the second carriage in the X rail will result in poor belt tunning and input shaper results.
Align the mgn12c carriage mount with the linear rail
Slowly slide one carriage to the mount
Carefully store the carriage, this will be essential for the IDEX upgrade.
Ensure the carriage never leaves the mount, to avoid loosing any of the ball bearings inside.
Remove the plastic stops installed in the ends of the linear rail
475mm MGN12 Linear Rail
10x M3x8 Cap Head Screw
10x 2020 Drop-in T-Nut - M3
X-Axis Gantry Assembly from Step19
Linear rail assembly from the previous Step
2x align_2020_mgn12
Use the jigs to align the mng12 linear rail on the 2020 extrusion
Frame jig from Chapter One
Insert the small tab between the gantry joiner and the linear rail as shown
Push the linear rail against the frame jig to ensure they sit flush.
Fasten the marked M3x8 screws, starting from the Jig side.
Do not overtighten the screws as it can cause the linear rail to bind.
V-Core 4 Frame Assembly
X-Axis gantry Assembly
Carefully insert the gantry assembly into the V-Core 4 frame from the side, as shown.
Place the Joiners on top of the linear rail carriages.
4x M3x8 Cap Head Screw with threadlock (blue on ends of screw threads)
4x M3 washer
Insert an M3x8 Cap Head screw with an M3 washer through the joiner plate and tighten it to the linear rail carriage
Don't overtighten the screws as it can cause the gantry to bind in the Y direction
4x M3x8 Cap Head Screw
4x M3 washer
Insert an M3x8 Cap Head screw with an M3 washer through the joiner plate and tighten it to the linear rail carriage
Don't overtighten the screws as it can cause the gantry to bind in the Y direction
Test the movement of the y-axis over the full travel distance
Small changes in resistance are normal, but becoming much harder to push, or binding completely are not
If the Gantry feels hard to push, you can undo the M3x8 Cap Head screws installed on the previous Steps a quarter of a turn, ensuring there is no play between the joiner plates and the linear rail carriages
Move the gantry to the front.
Both Joiners must hit the Y bumper printed parts at the same time.
An exaggerated example of a misaligned gantry, there is a gap on one side, but not the other.
The right side sits flush with the Y bumper, or vice versa.
If your gantry isn't bumping into both printed parts at the same time, follow the next steps:
Gently loosen all screws in both joiners.
Push the joiners against the Y bumper printed parts by hand.
Retighten all screws on both Joiners and go back to Step 27
Take the belt package inside the HW3693MK - Rat Rig V-Core 4.0 - Base Hardware Pack - All Versions and cut it in half, one half will be used for the top belt path and the other for the lower belt path.
If you are building the hybrid machine you have 2 belt packages, you should use the longest one at this stage.
This step is not mandatory, it's just a Rat Rig tip on how to feed the belts on the idlers.
Zip Tie
The wider the zip tie is, the easier the process will be
Bend the tip of the zip tie a little bit and feed it between the joiner assembly and the idler, as shown
Insert the belt between the zip tie and the idler
Slowly feed the belt and pull the zip tie at the same time
Ensure the belt teeth are facing the stepper motor pulleys.
Take one end of the top CoreXY belt, and feed it as shown:
Feed the belt through the left stepper motor bearing stacks.
Feed the belt behind the left xy_joiner, through the front tensioner and finally the front bearing stack on the xy_joiner.
Take the other end of the top CoreXY belt, and feed it as shown:
Feed the belt through the right stepper motor bearing stacks.
Feed the belt around the rear bearing stack on the xy_joiner.
Do not cut the excess belt at this stage.
Ensure the belt teeth are facing the stepper motor pulleys.
Ensure the belt teeth are facing the stepper motor pulleysTake one end of the lower CoreXY belt, and feed it as shown:
Feed the belt through the left stepper motor bearing stacks.
Feed the belt around the rear bearing stack on the xy_joiner.
Take the other end of the top CoreXY belt, and feed it as shown:
Feed the belt through the right stepper motor bearing stacks.
Feed the belt behind the left xy_joiner, through the front tensioner and finally the front bearing stack on the xy_joiner.
Do not cut the excess belt at this stage.
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